Sunday, October 14, 2012


Shalom and welcome to Rabbi Trails

The hope for this blog is that I can provide some food for thought to those who seek a more intimate relationship with Yahweh. The coming times prophesied throughout the Scriptures tell us that we have only one place of safety, in His holy presence; ie, “in the shelter of His arms”. Yahweh has provided instruction regarding entering that holy place. The requirements are not that hard but they are very demanding of us as a people.

There are several areas of our lives in which Yahweh wants total surrender to His Ruach. First and foremost He wants us to surrender our tongue to guidance of His Word.   In my opinion, the greatest damage to the restoration of Returning Israel, is the rampant Lashon Hara being expressed each day.  Messianic Synagogues, home study groups, and even family Bible studies are being ripped apart by ill spoken words. I know, many times the guilty parties argue that what is said is “the truth” as if that is the only criteria required by Torah. The creation of strife is considered an abomination by Yahweh, yet oftentimes the people will not consider the consequences of their words in creating such strife.

Over many years of study, I have come to believe that there are some things that a Believer can do to help avoid the sin of Lashon Hara. Over the next few weeks I will be addressing those areas that we as Believers need to examine regarding our personal lives and also the relationship we have with our fellow Israelites.

I will emphatically state that there is absolutely no way a person can come into the holy presence of Yahweh if he is creating strife among the brethren, regardless of the reason. We are commanded to be a light, not a lightning rod. The Adversary is working full time to destroy the Messianic gathering of Yahweh’s people and their return to the Torah lifestyle. On a regular basis we are hearing of splits among the Assemblies caused by some individual (s)  pride or a desire to have a few minutes of personal glory.

The purpose of the blog will be to challenge each of us to examine our lives daily to make sure that we have subjected ourselves to the guidance of the Ruach HaKodesh. Rather than be a tool to make you feel good, I hope to often make you very uncomfortable spiritually. Having said that, I hope you will stick with me as we examine our need to do teshuva, commit to a time of daily personal prayer, set aside time each day for liturgy as well as Scripture reading and study.

If Yahweh is calling you back to His Torah, He has a task for you in the restoration He is starting. We must seek His glory rather than our personal glory. He demands a lot of His people but the blessings are beyond comprehension if we will simply submit to His Word.

Join me as the Rabbi Trail attempts to lead us to the Narrow Path of the Master.

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